Sunday 29 July 2018

Thumb twiddling

My blood tests have shown that all is not right so I'm trying to keep myself busy whilst waiting for a hospital appointment but also having to rest as much as I can. I've stopped Googling things as it's very easy to read your symptoms into the worst case scenario, and I'm telling myself that if it was serious, they'd have seen me straight away. I'm hoping for a cancellation so that I can get the ball rolling to try and find out what's going on before school starts again. It's the first year since I started spinning when I haven't taken part in the Tour de Fleece - the reason being that I just haven't had the energy to do so. I've also had to pull out of volunteering at Fibre-East which was another disappointment. I do have a stealth shopper there though so will be cheering myself up with a little yarny treat or two! I'll share with you in due course, I promise!

I did have a day with the Stylecraft Blogstars recently which was really lovely. I shared a lift with Heather (The Patchwork Heart) which made it a lot easier for me. It was fabulous to see everyone once again and we were given a sneak preview of all the new yarns which will be released later this year. There are some really gorgeous things to come, I can promise you. I have to pinch myself sometimes that I'm lucky enough to be included amongst such an illustrious group! Here are a few photos from the day...

We all knitted or hooked a log cabin block or two as you can see from the photos - I'll tell you more about why in another blog post. Stylecraft have something rather exciting to announce!  As you can see, our goody bags were just mahoosive! Stylecraft are incredibly generous and treat us so well. I can share a few of those new yarns with you now as they were released earlier in the month. 

One of my favourite of Stylecraft's yarns, Batik has three new colours in the Batik Elements range. The yarn is 80% acrylic and 20% wool and has a lovely bounce to it. I'm looking forward to trying these mixed shades with some of the solid colours in the range. 

There are five new colours in the Life DK range too including two with gorgeous tweedy nepps. I love how these colours look together with the purples and mustard alongside the black and silver. Life DK is 25% wool and 75% acrylic. I'm picturing a snuggly blanket...

Special Aran with wool has three new tweedy colours in the range - I think these would make some cosy accessories, possibly with cables and bobbles. This yarn is 80% acrylic and 20% wool so washes well.

Finally, a new addition to the Life range with Life Changes. Again 25% wool and 75% acrylic, this range features more subtle and gradual yarn changes. I've seen it knit up and it is both beautiful and soft. 

I'm currently working on a design for the Stylecraft Blog Tour which begins in September. It features another new yarn which is gorgeous to work with and I'm really happy with how my design is working out so far. You'll have to wait awhile to see it though, as each of the Blogstars will be showcasing the yarn with a design. It could well be the best Blog Tour yet!

Hope you've been enjoying the weather - it's been a bit too hot for me so the rain today was a welcome sight. Have a good week and I'll be back soon to share a couple of bits of 'josiekitten in print'! xxx


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon.No fun being ill in the school holidays.Fingers crossed for you that you get good results and soon to take the worry away.I am knitting a sweater in the new Batik,the blue one and so far so good.
    Any news on Ros? She hasn't posted for ages.Hope she is ok.

  2. I hope you get an appointment quickly, and can then get on the road to feeling normal again. Take care of yourself, Helen.

    I would love to know more about the two "tartan" effect cushions in your photographs. They're gorgeous!

    Those goodie bags look amazing, I'm glad that it sounds as if you have enough energy to start playing with the lovely new yarns, and look forward to seeing what you make. But don't rush yourself, we'll be patient! Carol x

  3. Love the log cabin block. You do look a fun bunch. I hope you get an appointment soon so you can enjoy the holidays. xx

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon and that the doctors get everything figured out.

  5. Fingers crossed your appointment arrives soon and you feel better xx

  6. Hoping for the best outcome very soon. Meantime surround yourself with yarny treats, inspiring post if only my hands weren’t quite so sweaty.

  7. Thinking of you as you await more test results! Hope you find out what it is and feel better very soon.

  8. Hope you get everything sorted out soon and start feeling better. Glad you got to play with the girls.

  9. Hope you're feeling better soon!!

  10. I hope you get your health issues sorted out soon. My GP once told me NEVER to google symptoms, you will always come away thinking the worst, those sites have to cover themselves just in case.
    It looks like an amazing day, what a lot of goodies.

  11. Have never commented before but I followed the link from FB. Loving all those new colours with the 25% wool and I knitted a log cabin blanket a few years ago and it washes beautifully. Hope you have an appointment soon but ,as a retired teacher, please don’t go back to school until you are feeling better. Happy knitting. Catriona


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx