Wednesday 24 October 2018

Sock winners!

At long last I've managed to get the winners picked from my Stylecraft Head over Heels All Stars yarn and Tiptoe sock pattern giveaway. I'm so sorry that it's taken me far longer than it should have done to do so, but the last few weeks, my life has been taken over with hospital appointments and lots of stress. Thankfully things are looking a lot more positive now, so I got on with the job this morning. All the comments from my blog, Instagram and Facebook were allocated a number and then I used a random number generator to pick five winners. They are:

hannah wolstenholme
pamela cawley
helen hamilton

I've messaged all the winners. Thank you so much to everyone who entered and also for all your wonderful suggestions for sock yarn colourways. If you'd still like a ball of my colourway, Woldgate, you can buy it from Stylecraft stockists. I know that Wool Warehouse has plenty in stock too. My Tiptoe pattern is available as a leaflet from Stylecraft stockists and will eventually be available to download for free from the Stylecraft website. When that happens, I'll let you know. Happy sock knitting and may your toes forever be cosy! xxx


  1. You buried the lede in the middle of this post, I'm glad things are looking a lot more positive now! I hope at least some of the mystery has been taken away, even if you might not have a set course of action. I hope things continue to improve.

  2. I'm glad things on the medical front are looking better!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx