Sunday 26 May 2019

Wordless weekend


  1. Sometimes there the best week-ends. Time to think and regroup. You take care of yourself!!XO

  2. Peanut butter marmite?! That's going on my shopping list! Sending virtual hugs to you and Flo. xx

  3. All lovely except your finger which looks sore and the marmite which looks very very wrong. Hope we are talking again soon.

  4. Hi Helen,

    What lovely pictures (apart from your finger; what did you do?). For years I thought that peanut butter with marmite was my little secret; but tell me, have they got the ratio of pnb to marmite right?
    I do hope that you are feeling better soon, look after yourself.


  5. I miss your words!! Why is your finger so pale? Thank you for the lovely pictures- you take the best pictures! Take care and I hope you feel better very soon.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx