Monday 10 June 2019

On the subject of mice

Meow meow everyone, it's Flo here! I've told you in the past of my love for little furry critters. If you need a reminder, then take a look here. The other day, Mum was tidying up my toys. I appear to have quite a lot of them! This is my mouse collection - pretty impressive, huh? I have a mouse for every occasion, a bit like having a handbag for each outfit I believe.

Even though I love all of these dearly, there is nothing quite like the real thing. My furry pals have been gathering in the garden and I thought it was only polite to invite them in. As I'm a thoughtful cat and I know that they would struggle to get in through the cat flap, I carry them in myself, ever so gently in my mouth. Then of course I let them free and we have a little scamper round together.

Mum wasn't impressed when she found me playing with one of my mice chums the other morning. We were in the middle of a game of hide and seek by her shoes and she was such a spoil sport, catching the mouse and depositing it back outside. (I've noticed her looking inside her shoes every morning since!!!)

But Mum didn't realise that I'd made it 'Open House' and invited all and sundry in. Imagine her surprise when another one of my rodent mates popped out from under the sofa and headed over to the fire place! She told me to do my duty as Chief Mouser (I must admit that did sound quite an important job) so I dutifully sat staring at the fireplace for a few minutes, just to keep her happy. Don't tell her, but I actually had a snooze while I had my back to her!

Since then, I've noticed lots of little boxes appearing around the house. Mum says that they are special houses for mice but they look rather small to me. Not even room to swing a ..... (now cat just sounds wrong) but you get what I'm saying! She says they will be much happier inside there nice and cosy, and she's even put some food in there for them! I was quite happy sharing my bowl with them. Mum keeps asking me how many friends I've got staying over, but truth be told, I've lost count! Am I a bad cat for wanting to help the homeless mice of Norfolk? Meow meow meow! xxx


  1. Ooooh, nooo! My cat does the same and I am simply terrified! I understand you.

  2. What a lot of mice you have, Flo! Still, it's good to be prepared for any eventuality. We have mice in our garage - it's where I keep the bird food - so you're welcome any time you want to make a few more chums! xx

  3. We have worked so hard and spent a lot of money with a pest control company to eliminate the mice from our home in the last couple of years. I really don't like to have mice in our walls scratching around and having babies. It upset me out of normal proportion. We have not seen or heard any mice in the last few months so that is good- but they could come back at any time. I would not appreciate a cat bringing them in!! I loved your post about Flo and her rodent friends - very cleverly written! Good luck- the traps should help. It's not fun thinking you will see a mouse when you least expect it, especially in a shoe!

  4. Hello Flo
    I love mice too! Yesterday when I was turning my compost heap I disturbed a small family. Fortunately the babies looked very well grown, almost adult, so I am hoping that they will survive and I carefully assembled everything back around them. They were so sweet I wanted to pick them up and take them home too.
    I like your mouse collection. Has your mum seen the Ysolda Teague mouse pattern?
    I have knitted several with spare sock yarn and they look very cute.

  5. Hi Flo......I know your mum a bit and can imagine her displeasure finding your friends in the house!!!! You are so kind really but I think you need to play with your friends outside....they would be much happier too.

    I used to have a dog that would bring birds in that was interesting!!

    OH.....and stay off mums crochet and knitting.....

    Jan x

  6. Hi Flo!!
    I really think you are a clever cat! So nice of you to invite all your tiny friends in!!!
    Hope you will find a way to make your mum and your friends happy, at the same time! ...maybe invite them in the garage or shed?!
    Have a nice evening!
    Hugs to both of you.

  7. THat must of been a pleasant surprise! Don't think I'd be to happy about that! ugh! She is so adorable. You can't get to upset with her. I don't envy you catching the mice. Take care ! XO

  8. Just tell your Mum there is nothing to worry about with a few extra furry friends around, I’m sure you keep them well under control. The other day Grigio, your Italian equivalent, brought in a lizard which she then released, It was last seen heading towards my knitting bag, I haven't done a stitch since,

  9. Oh Flo, you're hilarious!!! But maybe the mice would be happier to stay outside!!

  10. My cat does the same! Although he doesn’t usually let them go... Flo is definitely a nicer neighbour!

  11. This really made me laugh - our cats do this too! Alas they don't always let them go, but I've removed many little furries, both alive and not...


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