Friday 31 July 2020

Fibre 4 Fibres Giveaway preview 18

It's so good to be back with these fundraising raffles. I've really missed sorting out the prizes each week and I know that the charity has definitely missed the fundraising. Here's what you could win if you decide to buy a virtual raffle ticket or two in this week's Fibre 4 Fibres giveaway in aid of Myositis UK.

The prize includes a beautiful poppy print project bag from Three Bags Full and a Miss Babs gradient set of Yummy 2-ply yarn in shades of pink. It's a fingering weight yarn and there's over 700 metres to use up so you could make something pretty spectacular! There's also a ball of Stylecraft Head over Heels Boho sock yarn, a set of HiyaHiya stitch markers, a cute kitty wallet (sewn by me) that you could keep your stitch markers in and a blank greetings card with a woven textile print on it.

There's over £100 of gorgeous yarny goodness here and I really hope that you'll be tempted to buy a raffle ticket or two. You have the chance to win all this for a minimum donation of £2! Less than the price of a cup of coffee. Are you tempted to enter? Here's what you need to know. This giveaway will run this coming Sunday 2nd August, closing at 23:55. To enter, go to my Just Giving page here and buy your virtual raffle tickets by donating £2 or more. £2 gets you 2 tickets, £3 gets you 3 tickets, £5 gets you 5 tickets and so on. You will need to leave your Instagram or Ravelry name, or tick the box that shares your details with me so that I can contact you if you're the winner. Your donations have helped me to raise vital funds for Myositis UK which will be used to fund research projects so huge thanks for your support! During lockdown, I've continued to donate £1 from each of my pattern sales and the total is now over £3000! Woohoo! The next milestone is £5000 which is halfway to my target. xxx 

1 comment:

  1. Very cute stitch markers. Are you able to get out of the house now that restrictions have lifted slightly? I hope so, although I imagine it will feel very strange at first after all this time. Take care. xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx