Wednesday 11 November 2020

Aria blanket ta dah!

I am a huge fan of Lucy from Attic24's blankets. They are not complicated to make but are always a thoroughly enjoyable experience from start to end. I've made a few now, and I think that the Aria blanket must be vying for top spot in my favourites. The colours are just so happy and uplifting and let's face it, we could all do with that at the moment. The kits to make this are available from the Wool Warehouse and they have done a brilliant job throughout lockdown to supply knitters and crocheters not just in the UK but also around the world this year. You could also try your local yarn shop to support them through these challenging times. UK Hand Knitting has a map to help you locate a yarn shop near to you. 

I crocheted this blanket pretty fast for me, considering that I've had a number of other projects on the go too. I haven't managed to block it yet, but as we had some gloriously crisp and sunny mornings a few days ago, I couldn't resist taking it outside for its moment of glory!

Flo has been a watchful companion throughout its making, naturally!

A 'crochet and Flo' sandwich!

I had a production line going for the last three rows! It worked really well.

I think Flo was telling me to hurry up with her blanket!

I was very good at sewing in my ends. I have learnt from my mistakes in the past!

This was right at the start when I'd just joined the first two squares. Happy smiles!

Haven't you finished yet? 

If you deal with the ends as you go along, you will definitely thank yourself!

Flo was my constant crochet companion!

I printed a copy of the chart so I could highlight each colour as I went along. 

Border progress has slowed due to chin rubs!

I wanted to see how it looked before I started the border. It's soooooo beautiful!

A final ta dah - can you spot Flo? I think she's saying it's hers!

Lucy always has a CAL in January and February and the theme for the next one is 'Meadow'. I can't wait to see the colours she has chosen and what the pattern is. It will be the perfect way to brighten those dull winter days! Will you be joining in too? xxx



  1. You have made a fabulous job of this Helen; as I said before, it makes me wish I was a crocheter! By the way, have you seen my Seagull socks made in the yarn that I won in your raffle. I am so pleased with them and have uploaded them onto Ravelry.

  2. That is lovely, I too have crochet envy! Just knitting and in term time, easy knitting at that! Keep well, and keep doing your amazing fundraising, you are an inspiration in more ways than one.

  3. Stunning - that is such a cheery blanket, as you say cheering is something we all need at the moment. Well done on keeping on top of the ends as well. Has Flo claimed it yet?! xx

  4. This is fabulous!! So bright and cheerful!

  5. My first new year knit will be a gansey. Take care.
    Jill Turner


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx