Thursday 5 August 2021

Happy Little Things

*** Celebrating Flo's 10th 'gotcha' day ***

*** Welcoming my Good Striations blanket back home from Black Sheep Wools ***

*** Seeing my Fibre 4 Fibres fundraising featured in Let's Knit magazine ***

*** Loving Tom Daley knitting at the Olympics ***
(It's a dog coat!)

*** Puppy sitting for my friend ***
(Shhh, don't tell Flo!)

*** Spotting the first Japanese anemone in bloom ***
They will bring colour to my garden throughout the autumn.

*** Finishing my Southwold Summer Wrap ***
I enjoyed knitting it in the Stylecraft makealong group and raised over £500 for my fundraising through sales of the pattern. You can buy it here from Ravelry if you're interested.

I hope you've had some 'happy little things' in your week too. xxx


1 comment:

  1. Happy Gotcha Day, Flo! Some lovely happy moments here. I spotted Tom Daley knitting too! My eldest's boyfriend has just had a birthday and I bought him a copy of Sockmatician's 'Guys Knit'. I'm waiting to see if he's inspired! xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx