Friday 22 April 2022

Beautiful Spring!

We have been enjoying some really wonderful warm weather this month and there are plenty of signs in the garden that spring has well and truly sprung. I think that spring is my favourite season; it's so uplifting to see the garden come to life again and all the birds being more active. I'm fortunate to have a garden that is well stocked with perennial plants that require little help to reappear year after year. My neighbours very kindly cut my grass for me and help to keep it under control. When Mr JK was alive, the garden almost became an extension of our living space, and we would spend a huge amount of time out there. I have found it hard to enjoy spending time outside as all I could see was Mr JK's empty chair at the table. 

So this year I decided that I needed to do something to remedy this, as he would have wanted me to still enjoy being in the garden. I treated myself to one of those rattan lounge sets with a small table, as well as a garden rug! My friends moved the wooden table and chairs to a new position, and I have a lovely new and different seating area to enjoy. They put it up for me while I was having my last week of infusions and it was a lovely surprise to come home to. I was pretty unwell during that week with horrible sickness and a pounding headache but am hoping that the next round will be better. The rheumatology team are so kind and each time I have any side effects, they look at ways of preventing them the next time. I am half way through my trial of immunoglobulin infusions and it looks like it might be working. So if it's going to become my regular treatment, I don't want to feel so unwell for a week every month! Keep everything crossed for me!

It has really made a massive difference to have something completely new and I have been enjoying spending time outside, either knitting or reading. Flo definitely approves too and has tested out all the seats on the sofas! I'm going to make some colourful cushions for them so watch this space! It really is a lovely place to be and I am aiming to spend some time outside every day as I know it's good for my well-being. I think that I might sew some bunting to hang up around the garden too, and perhaps invest in some new solar lights. Have you got any other suggestions of things that I can add to my new outdoor space? xxx



  1. Beautiful flowers! So glad you are able to spend some time outdoors. It's the best mood lifter for me! I like your new furniture, and i bet the cushions you make will be lovely. 🙂

  2. There's nothing like sunshine to lift one's mood. Hope you have a good day. Looking forward to seeing the new cushions and bunting. Take care.

  3. Your garden is looking beautiful and your new furniture is fab. We were admiring something similar at the garden centre recently, they really are lovely. The cushions and bunting will be perfect; I feel you and Flo are really going to enjoy the garden again this summer. xx

  4. What a beautiful and inviting spot! We hardly have anything blooming yet. But the hummingbirds are back, so Spring is coming. Flo looks like a stalking panther in her photo. Hope these treatments get easier and most importantly heal you.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx