Friday 2 June 2023

Julia and the hat

Once upon a time there was a girl called Julia. She very kindly offered to deliver a hand knitted hat to a friend for her birthday. The knitter was extremely grateful.

Julia loved the hat and thought that it suited her so well that she tried to take it away with her after giving it to the birthday girl!

The knitter was a kind-hearted soul and so she promised to knit Julia a special hat of her own in her favourite colour, purple.

Julia loved her new hat very much and wore it straight away. It was so warm and cosy.

She wore it every single time she went swimming in the sea, right through the year. (Yes, even in the winter!)

One winter's day, when Julia was swimming in the sea, a huge wave crashed into her. The force of the wave was so great that it knocked her off her feet and her precious hat got swept away into the North Sea. Julia was very sad.

Luckily for Julia, her knitter friend offered to make her a replacement hat. Julia was happy once more. She promised that she would never wear this special hat in the sea.

So if you ever come across a seal wearing a purple knitted hat, you know how this happened! xxx



  1. What a very kind knitter friend! xx

  2. I wonder who that knitter could be? They are all lovely hats Helen. How were you able to attach that tab like that?
    Best wishes

  3. Beautiful colour! Can I ask what brand it is, name or whatever? I fell in love OMG


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx