Wednesday 10 September 2008

Summer's almost over!

I can't believe how quickly the nights are drawing in. There is a distinctly autumnal feel in the air. I'm still in my sandals, but I think that the pull of snuggly socks will be too great before too long! When the sun was shining recently, I did take these photos in the garden, and I'm really proud of them! So I am blogging them , even tho' they have nothing at all to do with knitting!

I just happened to catch that bee on the lavender. It's in a bed along with a mass of cat mint (fairly well squashed and laid upon by the two resident cats), and so it's a haven for bees. We also grew some sunflowers, but the best ones were those that the birds 'planted' when they dropped the sunflower seeds we have in the bird feeder! The fuschias have been magnificent this year, with such vibrant colours. And the dahlia isn't from my garden, but from Salle Park, a garden we visited a couple of weekends ago. I love dahlias because they remind me of my dad. He always grew them, and at one time had more than 100 different varieties growing. What an earwig paradise!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics!Looks like you have a garden to be proud of.


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