Thursday 9 October 2008

Ouch! I felt that!

I have to share with you my first unintentional felted project! My gorgeous Artesano Alpaca Hummingbird socks have been well and truly felted! When I first started to knit them, I had to frog my knitting, as they were knitting up to fit an elephant! Oh how I wish that I had left them at that size. Maybe they'd fit me now! They accidentally snuck themselves into a 30 degree wash, and the rest, as they say, is history!

Here's what they looked like freshly knitted.

And here's what they look like freshly felted!

They were such lovely socks to wear - very soft and warm. Hmmmmm - Ally Pally is coming up this weekend. I might just have to treat myself to another skein!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooohhhh Nooooooo, so sorry. I will remember that when I knit mine :S


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