Tuesday 23 December 2008

A Year of Socks!

I love knitting socks! And I love sock yarn too! A large part of my stash is made up of lots of delicious skeins of sock yarn - even if I don't buy any at all for the next couple of years, I probably won't run out!!! There is something so magical about the way the colours appear - some of the yarns are a real work of art! I thought that knitting on dpns was going to be impossible, but over the course of this year, I've managed to make 15 pairs of socks (plus a little baby pair), so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. Here they are ..........

A Year of Socks!

Most of them have been knitted using the Violet Green Sock Generator pattern. I've also made a couple of the Waving not Drowning socks, again courtesy of Violet Green. My attempts using 'one size' patterns have been pretty awful! Both Monkeys and Jaywalkers ended up being frogged, as they were far too tight. I think that the yarn was jinxed!! Being tall, I have rather large, wide feet, and haven't got enough experience yet to play around with patterns to make them fit me! So that is one of my resolutions for next year - to try to knit a greater variety of sock designs! And I'd like to have a go at dyeing some sock yarn too. My Kool Aid is all ready and waiting, so maybe I'll get a chance to play around a bit over the Christmas holidays.


  1. What a lovely selection of colours. :-) 15 pairs is really impressive.

  2. Wow! What a fab selection of socks. Love the yarn designs and colours josiekitten.


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