Sunday 11 January 2009

Romping ahead!

Well, we're only just into the second week of 2009, and I have finished my January 'Monkey' socks! I found it a really easy pattern to remember, and they have flown off the needles! I'm tempted to cast on for another pair, maybe in a plainer yarn, to really show this wonderful pattern off. Anyway, here they are, in all their glory....

I've got a couple of other projects on the go at the moment. The first is what I've called my 'Lunch time' socks.They are totally plain (the usual Violet Green pattern), so are perfect for picking up to knit a couple of rounds at school during breaks. I'm using a Regia yarn, in bright rainbow colours.
I've also started a scarf using yarn I bought from the Alpaca Select stand at Ally Pally last year.

It's a garter stitch 'Twistie' scarf, and the pattern said 'super for trendy pub knitting'!! I thought it might be something fun for my first time at knitting group this week. It was a great evening, and good to spend time with other people who share my interest in all things woolly!

I have frogged my Noro stripy scarf, with some reluctance. It was really hard to admit that I didn't like the way the colours looked against each other. In their separate balls, they were truly gorgeous. But in the alternating stripes, the scarf appeared drab and dull, and so un-Noro-like, that I knew I'd never wear it. So I am on the lookout for a new colour combination.

My stashbusting is going well so far, and I am enjoying using up some of the beautiful yarns I have in my stash. I'm putting £1 into a pot for each ball of yarn knitted, and will use that to buy yarn at I Knit and/or Ally Pally later in the year. Mr Josiekitten and I are off for a day in London at the end of the month, and I had planned a visit to I Knit, telling Mr JK that there was a licensed bar there to keep him happy while I browsed. But that's now off the agenda, as I don't want to be tempted!


  1. I just love the colours you use, they are so me :D
    They all look beautiful!

  2. I do like the Regia Rainbow yarn. Definitely need cheery yarn in this weather! :-)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx