Sunday 1 February 2009

Needing some inspiration

I've finished my first pair of lunchtime socks

and cast on another pair. Mr Josiekitten and I went down to London for the day yesterday, so I managed to get quite a bit done on the train. My friend Michele asked me if I would knit a pair of socks for her Dad as a birthday present. He's in his 80's, and likes bright colours, so I think these should be perfect - vivid stripes of green, red, orange, turquoise and blue, in a repeating pattern. So imagine my irritation when I discovered a knot in the yarn, linking red directly with orange. I've cut out a section, so have ended up with a single stripe of the red and orange in one pattern repeat, rather than waste a huge amount of yarn. Normally I wouldn't mind, but as these are a present, I suppose I shall have to try and match up the pair! There was much muttering and snarling on the train!

I haven't done anymore on the Salsa cardigan this week, but hope to get cracking on it tomorrow. I've finished the back and both fronts, and grafted the shoulder seams together to save the making up, and sewn in all the ends!! Sleeves here I come!
I'm ready to start the next sock in my 2009 Sock Challenge. The yarn I've chosen is Colinette Jitterbug, but I'm struggling to find a pattern. I think that the problem is that I've read so many stories about the yarn being pretty short on yardage, I'm worried, that with my big feet, I'm going to run out. I probably should learn how to do a toe-up sock, as this would go someway to alleviate the problem, but doing that will get me out of my comfort zone big time! I've gone as far as to split the yarn into two 55g balls, all ready for the off.

It's a gorgeous mixture of pinks and purples and is called Summer Berries. Looking at the name, I should have put it as the yarn for July or August - bad planning on my part! I hope that by the time I next blog, a decision will have been made. In the meantime, it's back to scouring Ravelry for some inspiration.

And by the way, when we were in London, I managed to visit the I Knit shop, and not spend ANYTHING!!!!! (Yarn Police be very impressed!)


  1. *is suitably impressed at restraint* :-)

    There was an article in Interweave Knits Spring or Summer 2007 (I'll have to check) with a beginner's toe-up sock recipe. I found it really simple to follow and even managed a short row heel without having a breakdown. :-P

  2. Hmmm! Yarn Police are always on the watch. Love the finished socks and the pair OTN....such pretty colours. Hope you finally find a good pattern for your February socks.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx