Monday 23 March 2009

Is this a sock I see before me?

I was on a course today, and took my Spring Forward sock along to pass the time during breaks. A lady came up to me, and this is how the conversation went:

Lady: Can I ask, what is it you're knitting?

Me: A sock.

Lady: (incredulously) Like, a sock for .................... (hesitating) a person?

Me: As opposed to a sock for..................................?

Lady: A sock for a doll?

Me: It's a sock for me!

Lady: That's so amazing!

I did chuckle to myself, as to how she could possibly mistake a size 9 sock for a doll's sock!! She then proceeded to sit next to me while I knitted. The conversation carried on.

Lady: I don't have time to knit.

Me: Well, (thinking to myself that she has time to watch someone knit) I just fit it into odd moments.

Lady: I can't believe you can talk at the same time as knit.

I just smiled. What more could I say?!


  1. That's soooo funny! Can just picture you LOL!!!!

  2. Hehehehe... these kind of conversation happens more often than we would think... The strangest things non-knitters say...


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx