Sunday 8 March 2009

Springing Forward

Spring really has sprung in North Norfolk. I took this photograph this morning while Mr Josiekitten was digging the vegetable plot and planting out the garlic and leeks.

I've started my March sock for my 2009 Sock Challenge. On the Phoenix Knitting Forums, we're having a KAL , making Spring Forward. So I've swapped the yarn I was planning to knit up this month with September's, and have cast on! I read on Ravelry that the socks come out a little on the tight side stretching over the ankle to put them on, so I've increased the needle size to 2.5mm and have also added an extra stitch at the start of each pattern repeat. This makes the plain part that 'springs' up the sock one stitch wider, so shouldn't really notice at all. I'm hoping that they will be roomy enough to put on comfortably, but not too loose! I'm using a yarn from The Natural Dye Studio - Dazzle, in the colourway Violet. It was a birthday present from Snoopydog. I love the subtle colour changes, and think that it will show off the pattern really well.

I'm also making a pair of Waving not Drowning socks for Mr Josiekitten's cousin, Monika. She loved the pair I gave her last Christmas, and has asked for a summery pair, so these are knitted in Regia Cotton Color - a mixture of wool, cotton and nylon. It's a very simple pattern to remember, so these have become my 3rd pair of lunchtime socks. They are growing pretty fast. It's nice knitting smaller socks for a change!

I promised to show you the beads that I bought - well feast your eyes on these! I got them from Beadworks, and my only difficulty was making up my mind which to choose. So, I got all three!


The beads are even more gorgeous in real life, and I can't wait to start experimenting with them!


  1. Wow, I am in awe of your beautiful socks! The colours are lovely, as are the beads :D

  2. I *think* I used four skeins, so around 500 yards, but I did one less repeat of the main chart, and I have about half a ball leftover so probably could have done one more repeat.
    I love your socks! What's the top pattern? It looks great! I tried waving not drowning and didn't get on with the pattern for some reason, I love yours though :)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx