Wednesday 15 April 2009

Catching up

It's been a busy Easter. Mr Josiekitten's cousins from Germany stayed with us last week, so it was one big round of entertaining! Luckily, the weather was pretty good, and they managed to get out and about each day, so I was able to have a bit of 'me' time for knitting! I have my April 2009 Sock Challenge socks underway. I'm knitting Circle Socks, using a Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett yarn. I've added another pattern repeat, and have cast on 72 stitches, decreasing to 68 down the foot, and have also done a ribbed cuff. The yarn works really well with the pattern, and they're looking good!

April Circle Socks WIP 007

I'm also knitting another pair of socks for my friend Michele's Dad. He loved the pair I knitted earlier in the year, and asked for another pair in equally bright, but more summery colours! So I found some yarn and have made a start.

Michael's summery stripy socks WIP 001

It's my usual Violet Green sock generator pattern. The yarn is Schoppel-Wolle Admiral R Druck in colourway Orange Spice. Although I love the colour of the yarn, it's not quite as thick as the Regia and Opal yarns I've used in the past, and the sock just feels a bit 'thin'. I guess it will be ok for the summer!

I've been busy making some baby clothes, and have one more thing to finish, so will show you what I've been making next time. My aim is to try and finish most of my current WIPs this holiday, ready to start afresh for the new term. In the meantime, here are some photos of some of the flowers currently in bloom chez Josiekitten.

Spring flowers


  1. Oh, those yarns are *pretty*. :-D I'm trying to find something like that but in a DK weight.

  2. WOW, those circle socks are amazing, I love them :D the yarns you have chosen are lovely. The flower pictures are so pretty too :D


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx