Tuesday 21 July 2009

The tale of the sock yarn blankie

Once upon a time there was a knitter who was addicted to knitting socks. But this knitter had a problem - she didn't know what to do with all the left over sock yarn. So one day, she searched high and low through Ravelry, looking for inspiration. The first pattern she found needed too much yarn for each square. The second pattern was really for a baby's blanket. But the third pattern she found was just perfect. So she printed off the pattern, sorted out all her little balls of spare sock yarn and went to see her friend snoopydog for a sock yarn blankie knitting day.
The first square was an easy choice, as she used the yarn from her first ever sock - the start of a very slippery slope indeed.

sock blankie first square

The second square was knit, followed by a third to join them together, and so the blankie was born.

sock blankie moves on

All day long, the knitter and her friend sat knitting, chatting, unpicking and reknitting little squares. They feasted well and quenched their thirst with mugs of steaming tea. They wound little balls of yarn to share with each other.

sock blankie skein swap

The hours passed, and the blankie grew bigger (although not as big as the knitter hoped!), and the knitter returned home happy at a day well spent.

sock blankie day 1

And she is still knitting the blankie to this very day.


  1. Ahhhhh! What a heart-warming tale (small tear in my eye). It may well go down in history. Thank you, my pal, for a really lovely day. I am sitting here now, unable to put down the small, new born sock yarn blankie that has fallen asleep on my lap. He needs at least one more pretty square added to him this evening. See you soon for 'Smoothie Hats'. :-)))) XX

  2. What a beautiful tale and an even more beautiful blanket. I wish I lived close to you guys :D


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx