Sunday 12 September 2010

Rather quiet on the knitting front

Hello there, me again! It's been an almost completely non-knitting week here, I'm sorry to say. School has been monopolising my evenings much more than I would like! I've changed year groups at school, so the curriculum is new to me, and I'm having to start from scratch making resources and planning activities. My class is quite nice, but oh dear me, I'd quite forgotten how demanding eight year olds are! They expect my undivided attention, and have no clue about waiting! Still, I'll train them!
My Hooting Henry has proved very popular, and I have 19 children signed up to join my knitting club, including 3 boys! I spent one day after school casting on each owl, ready for knitting. I shall be staggering the start over the next three weeks, and using the children who learnt to knit last year as teachers as well. As you can see from the photo, green owls are in vogue in this part of Norfolk!

ready to knit owls!

I finally finished my garter stitch scarf, started way back at the end of March. It's simple enough, using a skein each of Colinette Tao and Parisienne. It's knitted on two different sizes of needles - 4mm for the Tao silk and 10mm for the Parisienne mohair. I found the larger needles really cumbersome to use. I guess I'm too used to knitting socks on 2.5mm dpns! It does feel really lovely - light, floaty and luxurious, and I know that I'm going to enjoy wearing it.

silk scarf 001

I shall have to make sure that I keep Henrycat's claws well away from it - it's just the sort of fabric that he would get well and truly caught up in, and pull some threads in the process of escaping!

silk scarf 002

The first of the babystripe cardigans has been given as a gift to baby Lily. I chose little flower buttons eventually, and while they are very pretty, they aren't terribly practical, as the petal edges catch on the buttonholes! Still, they can always be changed if they drive the mum mad!

baby stripe 1 buttons 003

That's all the news from here! Have a good week, whatever you're up to. See you soon! xxx


  1. That scarf is lovely. I hope you have your class well trained soon and can get some more knitting time in!

  2. I just love your scarf! It was well worth the wait, to see the finished article. The little cardi is really gorgeous. I just love the pretty buttons.Good luck with the knitting club. I guessed thoe cute little owl would be a hit! If you think Year 4's are demanding, you should try dropping down just one more to Year 3!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! Have a good week. Ros x

  3. Beautiful scarf and the baby jacket turned out great too! Now thinking of dear Norfolk full of knitted green owls!!

  4. Oh I do like that scarf - it's a lovely colour. You'll have your Year Fours trained by the end of September! I usually have Year 3 just like Snoopydog.I totally agree with her OH MY GOODNESS!!! They take a lot longer to train! They're just like puppies! I'm hoping my supply cover teacher will have mine all sorted by the time I get back to work... but it won't be MY WAY! Have a good week.
    Love Kathy xxx

  5. The scarf looks so soft and floaty and the colours are wonderful.
    The baby caridgan is so sweet

  6. Your garter stitch scarf is very nice! I like the combination of these two different yarns.
    I hope your knitting class will have a lot of fun with the tenderly casted on owls! Didn't you know that green owls are all the rage? :-)
    By the way I wanted to say that the socks for your husband are very matching for your trip and I hope you will have a lot of fun (and good weather, too) in Bremen!

  7. Oh that scarf is very pretty. Was it an easy pattern. It looks like something I might be able to wear as I love the look of scarves but it really doesn't get cold enough to wear them here.

  8. Thanks JK! :) Hope you get your class trained! Your scarf is beautiful, especially for this time of year when it's cool but not freezing.
    I know what you mean about the needles - I find anything bigger than 5mm quite cumbersome!
    Vikki xx

  9. i've felt a pinch in my knitting output as of late as well.

    but wow lady - that scarf is lovely! (as is the baby sweater, but the scarf somehow steals the show)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx