Friday 15 October 2010

Wool Week 2010 - Day 5

Well, I did it! I actually did some spinning last night. And, what's more, I really loved it. Infact, while I was spinning, I kept wondering why I hadn't done it before! Never mind, I'm sure that there will be no stopping me now! A whole new stash world awaits me! I've spun up half the fibre so far, and when I've spun the rest, I'm going to ply it together. Yes, there are thick bits and thin bits, overspun bits and underspun bits. It's what you might call a 'character' yarn, or 'arty' yarn I think! I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself nonetheless!

first handspun from roving

I must just show you what proper spinners can do though! Last week I received a lovely parcel in the post. I'd taken part in a giveaway on Minniemoll's blog, and I was lucky enough to win a beautiful scarf. Helen had spun the yarn herself, before knitting it up, but as she says in her blog, she wasn't feeling the 'lurve' for it. Lucky me, is all I can say, and it gives me something to aspire to with my spinning!

lovely sea scarf (3)

I'm off for a girly weekend, to catch up with my old university friends tomorrow. I'm hoping to get some knitting done on the train journey from Norfolk to Reading, and have packed my Mystery Sock. I just need to print out clue 3. See you after the weekend. Hope you have a good one! xxx


  1. Your first handspun is amazing, Helen! So thin and pretty! I am so happy to hear you had fun and will do it again! There are so many beautiful fibers do discover.
    Yours, Julia

  2. I love that you think I'm a 'proper' spinner! I just make it up as I go along....

    I'm glad you like the scarf - and your spinning looks great :)

  3. Your first handspun looks fantastic, it's absolutely gorgeous. I bet you can make a lovely little neckwarmer or scarf of some sort with it, there are a lot of scarves made of thick and thin yarn in the shops at the moment.

  4. Ooohhh!! Your spinning looks fantastic! Hope you're feeling suitably proud of yourself! ;)

  5. your handspun looks fantastic!!
    hooray for you!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx