Sunday 28 October 2012

A Scottish Adventure - Day 2

Back again at the end of day two. And I have oodles of lovely things to share with you. The sky got brighter as the morning progressed, so we decided to go out and face the elements. First on our list were the coral beaches at Claigan. We parked the car and set off walking.

Skye day 2 001

 There were breathtaking views around every turn. The colours of the seaweed were just amazing.

Skye day 2 011

The coral beaches almost appear white. The sand is actually made up from maerl, which is the calcified remains of a type of seaweed growing off the coast.

Skye day 2 018

We caught glimpses of seals swimming about off the shore too. Really magical!

Skye day 2 023

Despite the odd shower, the weather didn't spoil our enjoyment of such a beautiful place.

Skye day 2R 014

Of course, with all that walking, you are bound to work up a healthy appetite! We stopped off at Jann's Cakes in Dunvegan for a toastie and some cake. There was so much choice, I wanted a bit of everything! Eventually we settled on a tart made with Skye blueberries and homemade lemon curd.......

Skye day 2 043

Aren't you impressed that there are two forks?!! Mr JK and I shared a piece and it really was delicious. The lemon curd gave it a lovely tang. Pretty soon, this was the scene ......

Skye day 2 044

We plan another visit there, purely for research purposes you understand! I promise to make a full report!

After lunch, we took the road to Waternish in search of the Shilasdair yarn shop. More beautiful views, and our first encounter with a sheep!

Skye day 2 045

The sky was blue and the sun was shining as we stopped to admire the views.

Skye day 2R 021

We followed the road down to the Shilasdair shop, and while waiting for Judi to arrive and open up, we stood and took in the scenery that inspires some of the colours that are dyed here.

Skye day 2 058

Inside was a treasure trove of yarn, all dyed using natural dyes ......

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There may well have been a purchase or two or three.......... I'm saying nothing!!

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After all that, we got back home just in time to admire the sun setting. This was the view from the cottage. Can't wait for tomorrow - I wonder what we'll get up to? See you soon! xx

Skye day 2 067


  1. Come on JK what's in the bag?????????

    I am very jealous of your views, have a lovely week. CNx

  2. After those photos I'm certain we'll have to return. When we were there we managed the walk to a lovely coral beach - so white it reminded us of the sand on our Queensland beaches but the water was freezing. ( Tony stripped off to undies and pretended to go for a swim for our photos !!)
    Loving your Skye holiday.

  3. PS Took me 7 tries to get through the crazy security !!!

  4. What a lovely and romantic day, Helen! Great views, yummy food, sheep and yarn too? perfect!

  5. Alright you big tease. . . . . spill the bag!

  6. Yes, what is in the bag?!?!?
    What beautiful pictures!

  7. I love all the beautiful colors.

  8. Gorgeous pictures, Helen! Makes me want to be there - right now. And that yarn - yummy!!!! Enjoy every minute of your trip. You deserve it. xoxxo

  9. oh what gorgeous countryside!

    and i'm going to have to echo the others - i want to see in the bag too!! :)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx