Monday 21 January 2013

Cosy days!

Well, would you believe it? Another snow day!! Norfolk got hit with another downfall of snow overnight and we awoke, yet again, to a world blanketed in white! The forecast looks better for the rest of the week, so fingers crossed things will get back to normal tomorrow.
Snow day number 3! (3)
Snow day number 3! (5)

I busied myself yesterday knitting a case for my Kindle. I used the BFL handspun left over from the Creel hat, and used the same stitch pattern too! I had to rummage in a couple of boxes to locate my button tin, and am pretty happy with the results! So my Kindle is nice and cosy now!
Kindle cosy (3)
Kindle cosy (1)

Mr JK has been keeping us cosy with his wonderful goulash soup and dumplings. It was the perfect meal last night and tasted every bit as good as it looked!
Mmmmmmm goulash soup and dumplings

Florence has also been keeping herself nice and cosy. Mr JK barely has a chance to sit down and make himself comfortable before Flo jumps on his lap. I love this photo of them together.
Taking it easy! (1)
We have just had some rather encouraging and exciting news about our house, so have our fingers crossed. You may not see me around for a few days!! I'll be back as soon as I can! xxx


  1. I stumbled upon your lovely blog today via a photo of your adorable little owl. I've featured him on my blog today! We'll be keeping an eye on you ;)

  2. Your street looks very much like mine right now! It#s been snowing in Belfast all day. Although I know England has had the snow for longer that NI. I just hope it clears up for all of us soon! I love your Kindle cover, is it just me, or do the buttons look like eyes? I will definately have my fingers crossed for you re the house, good luck!! :)

  3. Snowy here too and still coming down. Glad you are all keeping cosy, occupied and obviously eating well.

  4. Goulash soup with dumplings looks so delicious - perfect for a snowy day. And Flo steals the show, as usual. Lovely kindle case too!
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  5. oh so jealous of your snow! it's absolutely gorgeous!
    mr. jk's goulash looks completely delicious, but as per usual flo is the most lovely thing in the post :)

    good luck with the house!

  6. Fingers and toes all crossed Downunder !!

  7. Hi Josie. Just found your blog and great to find another knitter and lover of both cats and owls from Norfolk - all my favourite things!

    I'm an indie dyer based in South Norfolk, specialising in lace and sock yarns, and have just started a blog - do feel free to visit at


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx