Sunday 13 January 2013

Testing, testing!

Hello! My needles have been busy this week. I was test knitting Creel - a hat, cowl and mitts set from Knitspot. The set featured used handspun, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to rifle through my own handspun and pull out a couple of suitable skeins. When you are learning to spin, you produce lots of skeins that don't have a great yardage, but are perfect for small projects such as hats and mitts. The mitts knit up superfast, ideal for a quick, last minute gift. I modelled them yesterday when I met up with my good friend Snoopydog and we tried to get some photos. A certain dog had his eye on my biscuit!!
Creel mitts (2)

You can see the stitch pattern a little more clearly here.

Creel mitts (5)

Flo didn't want to be left out of the photos either. This was taken earlier in the week.

Creel mitt WIP 003

It is enormously satisfying to knit up yarn that you have spun yourself.  I felt like a proud Mum, watching the colours appear! The mitts are knit with Twinkle, a mix of 75% superwash merino and 25% trilobal nylon. The hat is knit with Burnish, which is 100% BlueFaced Leicester. Both fibres are from Fluff-n-Stuff. I think Marianne's fibres are gorgeous!!
creel (17)

creel (18)

creel (20)

If the weather forecast is accurate, I reckon I shall be needing to wear these this week! Have a good week and keep warm!! xxx


  1. These are lovely, and it's interesting to see the stitch pattern knit up in multi-coloured and single-coloured yarn.

  2. Very pretty, I am so impressed that the yarn is some you spun yourself. Well done you.

  3. fantastic! what great projects for handspun.

    it always makes me happy when you and ms.snoops get to meet up. i had a little thrill for the second before i kept reading and i thought that both flo and oscar were there as well!
    maybe next time!! :)

  4. Gorgeous! Lovely to see you, as always, dear pal! XX


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx