Monday 29 July 2013

Fibre East

Oh what a lovely day I had yesterday!!! Snoopydog and I set off nice and early to spend the day at Fibre East. This is the third year the event has been run, and from the sounds of it, it's expanding year on year. There was a new venue this year, in a college. Last year was very wet and visitors and vendors got rather soggy and muddy. No such problems this year though!
There were lots of stalls selling a huge variety of fibre-related goodies. Whether your interests lay in spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet or felting, there was plenty there to tempt you. I took loads of photos throughout the day. I hope these photo mosaics help to give you a feel for all the lovely things there were on sale.
Fibre East 2013 number 1

Fibre East 2013 number 2

Fibre East 2013 number 3

Fibre East 2013 number 4

Snoops and I were both very excited; it's been a couple of years since Knit Nation, and it's always fun to spend time sharing your enthusiasm with like-minded friends. The stands were well spaced out in a number of rooms and halls which meant that it never got overly busy or crowded. After we'd been round the whole thing, we had a spot of lunch. Then it was over to Marianne's stand to relieve her and her husband so they could go and get something to eat and have a wander round. It was great fun being on the other side of the stand, people-watching. I love Marianne's fibre, so it was very easy to be enthusiastic about it with potential customers! After that, we revisited several of our favourite stands to make some more purchases. I'm sure you'd like to see what I bought now, wouldn't you?! Some of it I have bought with Ravelry swaps in mind, it's not all for me!!

Fibre East purchases

So, starting from the top left and working down I have a Fibre East tote bag and 5 different British rare breed samples, some silk brick from HilltopCloud and some merino/silk/nylon/sterling silver fibre from Sparkleduck. Then from top right I have some black BFL and silk from Freyalyn, another braid of Marianne's fibre in a mix of Polwarth, yak and silk and some alpaca and silk from Longdrawjames. I only bought one lot of yarn, from the Knitting Goddess. I rather liked these 'Same Difference' skeins - definitely a pair of socks for me!
Fibre East purchases 006

It was a great day, much looked forward to, and it didn't disappoint. I think that there are plans to make next year even bigger, with some classes. Should be fun! Now what shall I spin up first? xxx


  1. That's my idea of heaven. I wish I lived a bit nearer. It's amazing that next year's workshops are already planned.

  2. Wow! That is like dying and going to heaven!

  3. That looks amazing and making those purchases at the start of the holidays.You aren't going to be bored.Enjoy!

  4. What great photos, I've never seen so much yarn! Looks like you had a great day, and the sock yarn is gorgeous. I'll look forward to seeing what it turns into.

  5. Wow, what a riot of colour. You two would have been in your element !!

  6. So much lovely yarn, I think you were very restrained, it would have been a sin not to get the Knitting Goddess lot for yourself. Now I'm off to see what damage your accomplice did.

  7. It was a lovely surprise to meet you. Thanks for this wonderful collection of pictures, it's great to re-live what was a wonderful day for us too.

  8. oh wow! oh wow! oh wow!
    so much gorgeous!
    i'm glad you and ms. snoops had a wonderful time!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx