Sunday 11 August 2013

Flying by!

The holiday is just flying by! I have a list of 'things to do' and so far, not that many of them have been crossed off! I am very much enjoying the summer break though, I'm definitely not complaining! Mr JK and I have been walking pretty much every morning. It's so peaceful in the countryside surrounding us. We can hear cattle mooing and cockerels crowing. The geese are flying about in the early mornings and evenings too. They look magnificent flying together. I wonder how they manage to avoid collisions?
I finished another WIP, a pair of socks that I was test knitting for Anne Hanson. They are a little on the snug side for me as I didn't use the recommended yarn (and of course I didn't swatch!!) so I'm offering them to someone over in the knitspot group on Ravelry. Another member of the group is knitting me a pair of socks as I won a recent giveaway, so I am happy to be paying her kindness forward.

Jazz Strings 004 (2)  
Jazz Strings 003 (2)

Jazz Strings 006 (2)

I spent a day with my friend Marianne this week. Yes, Marianne of the gorgeous fluff fame! I must just show you a photo of her washing line, it really made me smile!

Marianne's fluffy washing line (1)

We had a lovely time together. There was much drinking of tea, eating cake and chatting. These strawberry cheesecake cupcakes were really yummy. I brought two back home with me and Mr JK and I ate them for dessert. Mmmmmmm!

mmmm cake! (1)

Marianne is an expert sewer (that really doesn't look right, does it?!) and helped me to sew a little needle case. I found out that my machine could do some quite fancy stitches!

needle case 001

I decided to treat myself to a cutting mat and rotary cutter after using Marianne's. It is so much easier to be accurate. I'm going to try to make another case without Marianne holding my hand. I have my fabric all picked out. I just need to dust off the iron!! It's a rarely used 'gadget' in this household! Pop back soon to see how I got on! xxx

needle case 002


  1. Good luck with the sewing.I keep promising myself to dust off the sewing machine and do some creating.There just never seems to be time!I thought being retired but give me lots of crafting time but my days are full of all sorts of other things.Its great!!

  2. Oh, good luck with the sewing! Your iron is nearly as important as your sewing machine :)

    Enjoy these late summer days!

  3. I hope you enjoy sewing. Sadly, that's the only time my iron gets used.

  4. i find i like sewing with someone holding my hand... and my "someone" moved half-way across the states, so i've been avoiding my sewing machine.
    i hope you have better luck of it!

    the socks are gorgeous, too bad they won't fit, but fun that you'll be getting another pair!

  5. I love your socks, the colours are so beautiful, it makes my think of the sea. Good luck with the sewing!

  6. Great socks! I love the pattern. Another one to add to the list ;-) . The little needle case is lovely. Rosx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx