Sunday 8 September 2013

Colouring in

Sometimes you just need a spot of no-brainer comfort knitting, to ease yourself back into the working world. That's exactly what's happened to me this week, with the start of the new school term. I picked up my 64 Crayons blanket, and have been knitting away on a strip. Beautiful stripes of Noro yarn, with some unexpectedly pleasing colour combinations.
colouring in 001

colouring in 002

I have now finished three of the strips - two narrow and one wide. I thought it was about time I saw how they looked side by side.

colouring in 003

colouring in 004

Of course someone else thinks it's for her - we'll just humour her for the moment, shall we?!

colouring in 006

I have my next two balls picked out and shall start a wide strip this evening. It's starting to feel just a touch autumnal in the evenings, and the idea of snuggling on the sofa with a cosy blanket is rather appealing! xxx

colouring in 009


  1. Looking very lovely, and so is your cat. How many balls of yarn does each strip take? I fancy making something similar myself for my new sofa.

  2. Flo you are so cute! Your blanket is coming along nicely!

  3. Yummy Noro stripes. Nothing beats it for comfort knitting!

  4. Yes, humouring is probably the best option! Your blanket is looking great; I love the colours, especially in the first photos.

  5. Looks like it's going to turn out as a big beautiful bundle of cosiness! Perfect for this beginning of term busy-ness :D

    lily x

  6. oh my! your blanket it looking so so gorgeous!
    and of course, flo is looking gorgeous too!

    enjoy your cooler temps! i know we are!!!

  7. That's looking really gorgeous!!! Love it! Hope the start to term has been good. ROs xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx