Sunday 16 February 2014

Getting back into the spin of things!

One of my aims during this Ravellenics is to get back into spinning more regularly. Despite joining a local spinning and weaving guild, I have yet to make it to a meeting. Hopefully once the evenings start drawing out, I will feel more inclined to go out again, rather than batten down the hatches and stay home! I do have a goal to aim for too - I have entered the spinning competition at this year's Fibre East in two classes. One for yarn spun from prepared tops and the other for yarn spun to show the advantage of Navajo plying! So I definitely have some work to do to produce some lovely handspun yarn fit for competition!
I started spinning this fibre way back in October, and there it has sat - untouched - since then. It's from Fluff-n-Stuff and is a blend of Blue Faced Leicester and Ramie which comes from stinging nettles.
fluff-n-stuff swap 002

I decided to spin a 3ply yarn so divided the braid into three. I finished spinning up the first bobbin, and then tackled the second. I just split the fibre lengthways into finger width strips and spun them. It drafts very easily. Here you can see two of the bobbins with the remaining fibre. I think they co-ordinate beautifully with my latest bag. This is from Michele's great Etsy shop, ThreeBagsFull. I was lucky enough to make the 6000th purchase and so I received my bag for free! As soon as it arrived this week, I put it straight into use.
Ravellenics spinning 004

Yesterday, with the wind gusting outside, it was the perfect excuse to stay indoors and finish the spinning. Before long, the third bobbin was done too. The sunshine in the photo belies the weather from yesterday - windy and rainy with odd sunny spells. This was one of them! Mind you, I didn't dare let go of the bobbins for longer than it took me to take the photo, as I was worried that they'd be blown away!
Ravellenics 2014 spinning (2)

Next, the magic of plying - I do love this part, seeing the plies come together to create a yarn. I am really happy with how it turned out, a kind of soft, tweedy effect with the mixed shades of teal.
Ravellenics 2014 spinning (4)

After that, I wound it round the niddy noddy, being careful not to lose count of the wraps - this gives the yardage. I have ended up with just over 200 metres of yarn. Enough for a hat, or some mitts perhaps?
Ravellenics 2014 spinning (6)

Ravellenics 2014 spinning (8)

Ravellenics 2014 spinning (5)

Ravellenics 2014 spinning (7)

Here it is skeined up, although this photo was taken before I gave the yarn a nice soak. It's currently drying, so I will share a final photo with you another time.

Ravellenics 2014 spinning (9)
I am waiting until tomorrow to decide what's next on the spinning wheel. I am pattern only in the latest round of BareNakedKnitspot and tomorrow is the day of the first pattern release. This year, the club is releasing a pattern and chapter every other month, so I am hoping to spin my yarn and still have time to knit the pattern! Fancy joining me? There are still places available, either pattern only, or with a single dip or double dip of yarn. Anne Hanson is such a knowledgeable knitter, each chapter is a real treat. You learn so much about how different fibres behave, I love it! Pop back again soon to see how my knitting Ravellenic challenges are faring. xxx


  1. oh i love this yarn! the subtle color shifts make me swoon!!!
    i'm glad you're back to spinning, you always make the loveliest of yarns!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx