Wednesday 23 July 2014

Tour de Fleece Day 17

Oh there is some serious yarn lurve going on chez josiekitten this evening. I have plied up almost all the first bobbin and I am so, so happy with how the yarn looks. I have N-plied the yarn to keep the colours separate and you can see just how beautiful they are from the photos. I am wondering if the yarn might work for this cardigan. The next dilemma is what contrast colour to use - any suggestions? xxx

Tour de Fleece 2014 Day 17 (2)

Tour de Fleece 2014 Day 17 (3)

Tour de Fleece 2014 Day 17 (10)

Tour de Fleece 2014 Day 17 (6)


  1. Depends how brave you are with colour :) You've got so many colours going on there, that I think an elegant yellow or orange would look amazing with it. You are so talented.

  2. It looks amazing. I think using it as the stripe in a garment is a great idea.

  3. oh my!! what gorgeous yarn!!
    you're my spinning hero!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx