Saturday 12 July 2014

Tour de Fleece Day 8

Not as much spinning as I'd hoped today as our day managed to get filled up with other jobs. However, I am really enjoying spinning this beautiful fibre. It is a soft as a cloud and drafts so easily. I am thinking that I might N-ply the singles to try to preserve some of the colour changes. Otherwise, I fear that it might look rather subdued once plied. I have no idea what yardage to expect; hopefully enough for an infinity scarf and mitts.

Tour de Fleece 2014 day 8 (2)

I have my next section of fibre ready and waiting for tomorrow. Aren't the colours just magical? xxx

Tour de Fleece 2014 day 8 (3)


  1. Gosh, just catching up with you. What a busy week you've had!!! That fibre is really beautiful. I love the colours. Look forward to seeing the finished yarn! Rosx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx