Monday 21 July 2014

Tour de Fleece Rest Day 2

Another rest day in the Tour, so a break from spinning for me! Time to fill you in on what else has been going on. And the truth is, not much! It's the end of term on Wednesday and I've been really busy trying to get everything done and dusted at school. What with that and spinning, the knitting seems to have been sat on the back burner recently. I have done a few rows of the crochet ripple blanket that I'm making for our friends in Germany. Their first grandchild is due in early August, so this will be a priority as soon as the holidays start. I am planning on 6 repeats plus a border. 

crochet ripple for Julia and Henrik WIP (2)

crochet ripple for Julia and Henrik WIP (1)

The garden is still looking wonderful, despite the rather stormy weather we've been experiencing over the past few days. The Echinacea is in bloom looking rather elegant. Also our hydrangeas are covered in flowers this year.

summer blooms July 2014 (1)

summer blooms July 2014 (6)

I received my first club yarn from the Knitspot Purple Passion club - it's a laceweight cotton yarn, entirely natural and purple. I had no idea that cotton grew in that colour - apparently it's very rare. I look forward to knitting with it over the summer.

Purple Passion yarn July on purple (1)

Purple Passion yarn July (3)

Back to spinning tomorrow - I've finished the spinning and have three bobbins ready for plying! And I have the treat of Fibre East to look forward to at the weekend. I'm going with Snoopydog, it's going to be fun! xxx


  1. Loving the ripple blanket. Don't forget to post a finished picture :) That purple cotton is amazing. What are you planning to knit with it?

  2. Just love the colours in this blanket! Looking forward to Saturday no end!!!! Rosx

  3. oh your ripple is looking gorgeous!
    and your garden is too!
    what a wonderful rest day from the tour!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx