Thursday 18 September 2014


I do think that Flo looks a little bit guilty in this photo, don't you? Mr JK caught her - red-pawed, so to speak - when he came in from work the other day! She has plenty of places to sleep, but decided, in true contrary cat fashion, to plonk herself just where she shouldn't be!! On the 64 Crayons blankie!

caught! (2)

Mr JK has come up with a cunning plan - since Flo studiously avoids sleeping on the sheepskin that we brought back from Skye especially for her, guess what's now taking pride of place in the middle of the blankie?!! I fully expect to find her curled up at one end or the other looking most disgruntled! xxx

caught! (1)


  1. I like the eye half open. My cat does the same as she is constantly watching to see if I am anywhere near where we keep the cat food.

  2. Flo guilty, how very dare you.

  3. Lol!! Flo is so cheeky! I'd bet anything that she'll try and squeeze onto the blanket edges.

  4. Awwww!!!! Hope you had a lovely weekend! Ros

  5. ha! at least she was just sleeping and not kneading her claws into it... that's a favorite cat activity in these parts.

    i'm voting too that you'll find her curled up on either end! sassy kitties!! :)


  6. Very smart using the sheepskin. Yes, those kitties sleep exactly where you don't want them to.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx