Friday 9 January 2015

It was inevitable ........

I finished my cushion this week. Last November, I spun up a braid of rainbow Corriedale fibre from Woolfest. The fibre, from EasyKnits, was one of my few purchases there. The colours just called out to me; I don't know what it is about rainbow colours. They get me every time!

spin a rainbow (1)

I knew that I wanted it to be a cushion, so started knitting a panel based on a knitspot pattern. Although I loved how it looked, it was much too small to be a usable cushion. See for yourself.

rainbow stripes (2)

So into the frogging pond it went while I began the search for something else. I had favourited these socks on Ravelry some time earlier - I like the contrast of the black with the bright colours. The cogs starting whirring in my head as I thought about how I could use this idea with my yarn. I had a skein of Malabrigo worsted yarn in black, left over from a football scarf for Mr JK. The Wurm pattern was another pattern I liked, and so I used it to cast on. Initially I thought about knitting a cheerful cowl, but changed my mind part way through and went back to the original cushion plan. You can read more about the changes I made as I went along on my project page if you're interested. I used some bright buttons to close the flap and I have to say that I am really pleased with how it turned out. It has given my the idea of perhaps using some of my other handspun yarn to knit cushion covers too.

Wurmy rainbow cushion (2)

Wurmy rainbow cushion (10)

Wurmy rainbow cushion (8)

Wurmy rainbow cushion (5)

Wurmy rainbow cushion (9)

I put it on the floor to take some more photos. Big. Mistake!

Wurmy rainbow cushion (13)

Wurmy rainbow cushion (14)

Wurmy rainbow cushion (19)

Sigh! What's mine is Flo's, I guess! At least I know it's nice and squishy! Pop back soon for some more finished knitting! xxx


  1. Your cat is a real character and even seems to be giving you a very challenging stare. My cat tries to stop me knitting because she wants to be stroked 24/7.

  2. oh come now - flo is color coordinated with the cushion, it's like you knit it *for* her to sit on ;)

    i love how you adjusted your original plan so that you could still make a cushion with your handspun, it turned out wonderfully! and the buttons are a perfect finishing touch!

  3. You have to admire Flo's taste in your knitted accessories, Helen. She knows what she likes--and she likes what you knit!

    Love how your pillow turned out, and the buttons make me smile!

  4. Those colours are really lovely, and the contrast with the black is stunning. I love that cushion. Everything needs the Flo seal of approval doesn't it?

  5. Wow! The cushion is beautiful! Love the colour contrast! Ros x

  6. oh that flo has really good taste! how could she not try out such a beautiful inviting cushion? love the colors of your handspun, i think you found the perfect use for them!

  7. Your cushion is amazing! I absolutely love the rainbow colours. No wonder Flo claimed it for her!

  8. Your cat made me laugh! But I fully understand his impulse to lie on the cushion - it looks fantastic. Love the way the black makes the colours pop.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx