Sunday 12 April 2015

Good things must end!

We left Cornwall at the crack of dawn on Friday and were back home in Norfolk before 2pm. Florence was very happy to be home from her cat hotel, and spent Friday night snuggled up to us on the bed. Since then, I have been busy catching up with school things. It's going to be a bit of a shock to the system going to work tomorrow!

I have finished another pair of socks - using some mini skeins that I bought at Fibre East last summer. The colours didn't blend in quite as smoothly as I'd hoped, especially the darker ones from the cuff down. I had hoped for more of a gradient effect. If I was to use them again, I would experiment with the overlap between the two colours a little more carefully. But Mr JK is very happy to have a new pair of socks, so all is well!

Five shades of blue socks (2)

Five shades of blue socks (4)

Talking of socks, my friend Diane sent me a photo of her finished socks in the week. I think she might be bitten by the sock bug as she has already ordered some more yarn for her next pair! Yay, a new sock knitter is born!

I am hoping to get some more spinning done in the coming weeks. I have entered the spinning competition at Fibre East again and still have three yarns to finish. The first is going to be a 2 ply yarn. The singles are spun and are sat waiting to be plied. Then I have an N-ply yarn to spin and also I am planning on entering a beaded yarn. I have until the end of May to get my entries sent, so I ought to have enough time. With any luck, next weekend I'll be showing you some 2 ply pink yarn! Wish me luck! xxx

pink handspun singles


  1. I was thinking that the colour change on your socks looks lovely, and that was before I read what you thought of it yourself; and yey to a new sock knitter.

  2. I agree the socks look great, I like the definite change in shades. Hope the working week is going well.

  3. i'm sure flo was overjoyed to have you back home!

    mr jk's socks look great! and so do your friend's!
    hope your transition back to work wasn't too rough!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx