Sunday 17 May 2015

I Knit Fandango

Yesterday my dear friend Snoopydog and I set off bright and early to spend the day at IKnit Fandango in London. It has been some time since IKnit held a yarny event. We last went back in 2009. But when we spotted that it was happening, an impromptu trip to London was in order. We decided to walk from Liverpool Street to the Royal Horticultural Halls near Westminster. It was a beautiful day and there's always so much to see along the Embankment. 

iKnit Fandango 2015 (95)

The Royal Horticultural Halls was the perfect venue - light and airy, so you were able to clearly see the colours of the yarn. Almost overcome by the yarn fumes, we began our first look round the stands.  We usually take this tack, making a note of anything special we want to buy or stands to revisit. It was lovely to meet up with some old favourite like Jon and co. from Easyknits. It is so easy to be seduced by all the beautiful skeins on their stand. Wollmeise had also made the journey over from Germany, bringing along their 'imperfect' skeins to sell. There wasn't the scrum that we had witnessed back at Knit Nation, but the stand had a steady stream of visitors, some buying skeins by the bag load! The crowds came and went, but it was never unbearable, and it was pretty easy to see everything. Do you want to take a look around? Silly question, of course you do!!

IKnit Fandango 2

IKnit Fandango 1

So what did I buy?! I think that I was pretty restrained, but I kept the thought of Fibre East in 2 month's time at the back of my mind! I bought two skeins of Wollmeise - one called Regenbogen for some rainbow stripy socks and a skein of purple gorgeousness which has 20% cashmere. From Easyknits I bought a skein of DK yarn - I just couldn't resist the colours. A knitting themed coaster for my craft room and a book of sock patterns from Rachel Coopey completed my purchases. 

iKnit Fandango haul (4)

I'm off now to squish my new skeins and plan some beach knitting for our trip to Greece next week. xxx


  1. What gorgeous photos....looks like a yarn-lover's dram day, no question!

  2. We had such a fabulous time! Loved every minute of it!
    Ros x

  3. oh golly gracious! what gorgeous photos of an amazing event!
    glad you and snoopy got to go together - what fun!

  4. Ooo! Loving your purchases, the rainbow yarn is gorgeous. And, yes, the yarn fumes can be deadly!

  5. Yarn heaven! Sounds like a fantastic trip - I love the look of your purchases; especially that sock book (note to self - get around to learning to knit socks!). Knitting in Greece sounds idyllic - have fun. xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx