Sunday 3 May 2015

The 'Two Good Reads' Tag

Two good reads tag

I was surprised and pleased to discover that Jenny over at My Life in Flip Flops nominated my blog as part of the 'Two Good Reads' tag. Although we have never met, I think that if we did, we'd get along famously, chatting with our knitting over a pot of Yorkshire tea. I have to nominate two blogs that I enjoy reading, so here goes.

My first is a relatively new discovery for me, Tales from the Riverbank. It's a lovely mix of crafting, food, travel and snippets of everyday life and is well worth a visit. VeggieMummy, the blog's author, sews some beautiful patchwork and is currently baking her way through a bread recipe book. I wait each week to see the loaf of the week!

My second is Rachel at My Life in Knitwear. Rachel is a technical editor and designer and her blog is always an interesting read. Thanks to her blog, I have visited some great exhibitions in London as well as learning about North Yorkshire and her father's life as a shepherd.

If VeggieMummy and Rachel wish to take part in this blog tag, they have to:
  1. Copy the tag logo from the top of this post;
  2. Link back to the person who tagged them; and 
  3. Write a post recommending two blogs they enjoy reading and tag their recommended bloggers to do the same.
I look forward to discovering some new blogs to read. xxx


  1. Wow! Thank you so much; I'm so thrilled. I'll follow the 'tag' instructions on my next post. Have a great Bank Holiday.xx

  2. It's such a good idea isn't it, I am finding some lovely new blogs which at present I hardly have time to read.

  3. Great! Think I need to pop across and have a read. Ros x


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx