Sunday 21 June 2015


Well, I ventured into the wardrobe and inspected all the woollies there - it would appear that the hole I found was an isolated incident, thank goodness! But it has certainly made me think about how I store my knitted garments and I shall be investing in some storage bags in the very near future.

On the knitting front, I finally got round to sewing buttons on a baby cardigan and blocking it. I decided to use a selection of solid colour buttons and I like the effect. It's heading for the gift box for now.

Rainbow Puerperium (2)

I've started another pair of socks for our friend in Germany. These are a very dark grey, so I won't be knitting them much in the evenings. My eyes just aren't up to it! I have a few weeks to get them finished, so I'm not panicking (yet!)

Big Foot Little Foot no.3 WIP

The somewhat cool summer evenings have lured me back to my Love Squared blanket too this week. I have decided to knit 36 blocks and make a 6 by 6 square blanket. I'm not looking forward to crocheting around the edge of each block, but it will make seaming a whole lot easier. I may also add more of a crocheted border around the whole blanket, depending on how much yarn I have left. I am enjoying watching my rainbow develop - the next blocks will be in dark green.

Love Squared WIP (1)

The garden is looking lovely right now, with so many different flowers in bloom. Here's a few of them ...

June garden

Mr JK and I spent an hour or so wandering around a favourite haunt in Norfolk this afternoon - the gardens at East Ruston Old Vicarage. There is always something different to admire here. I can thoroughly recommend it if you are ever in the area. I put together a few of the (many) photos I took today for you.

Old Vicarage East Ruston

The visit was finished off rather nicely with tea and cake - sticky lemon cake for me. Very yummy it was too! Have a good week. xxx

Old Vicarage East Ruston 21st June 2015 (55)


  1. Thank goodness you didn't have a huge moth infestation! That would have been disastrous.
    I've just finished my first ever pair of socks. I quite enjoyed them, so I might make some more one day.
    I'm doing a lot more knitting these days, as I've joined a local knitting group which I love!
    I'll never catch up with you though!
    Have a good week xxx

  2. Oh, thank goodness the hole was a one off! The wee baby cardigan is so cute!

  3. Knitting a pair of socks is still on my 'to do' list - I'll get around to it eventually! Beautiful flowers, fabulous knitting and that lemon cake looks divine. Have a great week. xx

  4. Thank goodness...I've had several things destroyed, but by carpet beetles, not the baby cardigan!

  5. Your photos are so inspiring and lovely to look at. Lavender bags are a brilliant way to deter moths and make your clothes smell delicious. I knit little hearts, partially stuff them and add a couple of teaspoons of dried lavender. They last for ages and squishing them reinvigorates the scent.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx