Friday 8 January 2016


Red pawed!

This was what greeted me when I came home from school today. Florence had obviously decided that the sofa wasn't comfortable enough, or perhaps she was a little chilly. So she dragged the crochet Cosy blanket out of its bag and made herself a snuggly den! Got to love that little cat. She just loves all yarny things. Best I crochet faster! xxx

blanket pilferer! (2)

blanket pilferer! (3)


  1. Flo is so sweet and she does look extremely cosy - just what the blanket was designed for! Have a great weekend. xx

  2. Oh my goodness! Part of me thinks "what a rascal", and another parts thinks "that was quite enterprising"! It would be hard to shout at that wee face though.

  3. Well she does have good taste ...

  4. She was just getting it ready for you

  5. At least she knows what she likes :) I have some wool sweaters that I bought for felting and crafting, and I don't have them in a secure tub, so every once in a while I find that one of my cats has drug one out.

  6. She has such an expressive face and a great personality!

  7. aw bless her, she has good taste in cosy beds lol

  8. Lol....look at that innocent face! A lovely place
    to crash anyway.
    Cheers, Anita.

  9. Some parents might have made sure their darling cat had a comfy bed before they left home, just saying.

  10. Bless her! Let's hope she gets her blanket very soon! ;-) Rosx

  11. She actually pulled it out so she could sit on it? She's the most clever cat ever and with the best taste! I find her blanket love endlessly charming. I hope you never plan on having her part with this blanket, she's certainly taken ownership. (and it's gorgeous by the way, love the colors!)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx