Sunday 17 January 2016

Happy Things

1. The winter sunshine creating a disco ball effect in the lounge.

winter sparkles

2. Using my Christmas tree spatula when baking stollen muffins. (Recipe here.)

baking in January!

stollen muffin (1)

3. My Ripple Cushion getting 1000 downloads on Ravelry!

Ripple cushion milestone

4. Sewing the January block - Churn Dash - in the Sugar Block Club.

sugarblock January

5. Spotting the first snowdrop in the garden.

chilly January morning (5)

6. Finally getting a couple of photos of two finished knits - my Kylbeg cowl and Once Upon a ... Cowl. I am planning on knitting up matching mitts with the leftovers of each, so will hold fire with the patterns for now.

Kylebeg cowl (1)

Once upon a ... cowl (4)

7. Receiving a yarn colour card from Yarn Stories. The Once Upon a ... Cowl above is knit using three shades  from their DK range and now my head is buzzing with other colour combinations!

happy yarn samples

8. A vase of local daffodils bringing their own little bit of sunshine to the kitchen!

first daffodils of the year (1)

What's made you happy this week? xxx


  1. Lovely photos!
    Like you I need to seek out some colour in my life to banish the gloom.

  2. Taking a needlefelting course at The Sewing Centre in Hythe, although I already know how to, I just liked the company and a day of making pin cushion landscapes in bowls.

  3. A very similar bunch of daffs, lighting scented candles early evening, my marmalade making plans for the coming week. Also admiring your spatula and your lovely cowls. January's not so bad is it and we are halfway through.

  4. So many beautiful makes and the thought of stollen muffins is making me drool! Have a happy week. xx

  5. That spatula is brilliant! And congratulations on 1000 downloads.

  6. Yay! Lots of happy, happy things! Love! xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx