Sunday 22 May 2016

A bit like riding a bike!

Or so it would seem! I can't actually recall the last time I did some proper spinning. It must have been at least a year ago, before tendinitis reared its ugly head. So it was with some trepidation that I dusted off the spinning wheel this weekend. I have until the end of the month to submit my entries into this year's spinning competition at Fibre-East. I grabbed a braid of fibre from stash and set  about preparing it. Before long, Flo was there to test how soft it was! Perhaps she was wondering if it might become a blanket for her! She also inspected the quality of the spinning! I split the fibre into three lengths and spun each one, before plying them together. And wonder of wonders, I hadn't forgotten how to spin! I even ended up with a semi-decent yarn at the end!

Today, I started spinning the fibre for my competition entry - it has to be a three ply yarn, each ply a different colour. I knew exactly which fibre to use; fibre from Picperfic's luxury fibre club that was dyed with a three ply yarn in mind. I  love Marianne's dyeing, the colours are always beautiful. I was drawn to 'Sunset' as my first spin - vibrant shades of pink, red, orange and violet, with so many shades in between. Mr JK was out on a long run in preparation for a 100 km run in three weeks (yes, I did write 100 km, it wasn't a mistake!) so  I had the day to myself. I opened the door to the garden and enjoyed the bird song as I spun. Flo mooched around - in, out, shaking it all about!! She even jumped up and sat on my shoulders for a while!

My aim is to get the other colours spun over the next couple of evenings. It was such a relaxing way to spend a couple of hours and I was pleased with how the spinning went. Aren't those colours just glorious?

Other news - my Cosy crochet blanket is progressing. I haven't quite finished the 4th repeat of colours. I think I have three more colours to go. Flo is keeping a close eye on its progress! You can see how it's looking from the second photo where I've spread it out.

I've started another Contact Print cushion cover. This time, I've tried to use a rainbow of blocks using mainly scraps that I received in a fabric swap from my friend Michele. I took a quick photo of  it spread out on Mr JK's keyboard. I think this is the most accurate one I have sewed so far.

I'll leave you with a photo of our lilacs. They have been promising to burst into bloom all week and today, when I walked past, I was hit by that heady aroma. Gorgeous! I wish you could smell the scent too! Have a lovely week! xxx


  1. I really don't know how you'd manage without Flo to supervise, I'm sure she was pleased with your progress.

  2. Look at Flo sitting on your knee while you spin - so sweet. Your blanket and new cushion are looking fantastic, as is your yarn. 100km?! Very impressive! xx

  3. Nice to see you spinning again. I love your yarn, it looks amazing. What weight will it be when plied? Loving the contact print cushion cover. Flo looking elegant as usual and how on earth is Mr JK going to run 100km? I'm assuming it's done over a period of days ...

  4. I laughed at Flo with her nose in the spinning! Good luck with the spinning comp!


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