Wednesday 13 July 2016

Tour de Fleece Day 11

Mr JK was up bright and early for a session at the gym this morning, so I got up too and finished off plying the remaining yarn on the bobbin. It's actually ended up a fair bit finer than I expected, although I expect it will fluff out a bit after a soak to set the twist. Here's the spinning journey to date...

Tour de Fleece 2016 day 1 (2)


TDF day 5

Tour deFleece day 12 (2)

Tour deFleece day 12 (5)

Tour deFleece day 12 (11)

Tour deFleece day 12 (12)

Tour deFleece day 12 (4)

And here's a sneaky peep at my next spinning project - not my usual colours, but I rather like the combination! I'm planning on a 2-ply yarn for this one! xxx

TDF fibre choice no 2 (1)

TDF fibre choice no 2 (4)


  1. Such gorgeous colours. I love the blurry spinning photo and your little sheepy bobbin is adorable. What very productive early mornings you have! xx

  2. Super impressed. I can only just about function first thing in the morning, never mind actually crafting. I really love the colourway of your second yarn. Looking forward to seeing that spun.

    What do you plan to make with the first spun yarn? It's a lovely colour.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx