Sunday 24 July 2016

Tour de Fleece Day 21

Here we are at the end of another Tour de Fleece. It's been brilliant getting back into the routine of more regular spinning and is something that I will try to continue now the Tour is done and dusted. I was asked to share the spinning journey of my most recent project. I am always amazed by the transformation from fibre to yarn and how different it can look between the two. A bit of fibre magic really! Here we go then, hang on to your hats!

TDF fibre choice no 2 (1)

TDF fibre choice no 2 (2)

TDF day  16 (2)

TDF day 17 (1)

TDF day 19 (3)

TDF day 20 (1)


TDF day 20 (3)

I split the original braid in half. One half I spun up exactly as it was and the other I split into lots of thinner strips. That way, I hoped that I'd get lots of barber-pole striping and it looks like I have! I think it will be fun to knit up. Now my next dilemma, what to spin next?! xxx


  1. Thanks for that. Looking forward to seeing what's next on the wheel! X

  2. Just loving all the colours you have been working with! Happiness on a spool! :-) x


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx