Saturday 13 August 2016

Are you ready for Granny Square Day?

Devon Aug 2014  crochet(29)

On August 15th, it's Granny Square Day! You can read all about the background to the day here. The peeps at Stylecraft HQ thought that it might be fun to join in, so I have my yarn packed and will be crocheting along on Monday sat on the beach in Greece! Here are the instructions for posting a photo on Instagram:

On August 15th, take a photo of a granny square (a 4-round traditional granny works best) and crop it so that the single square fill the entire screen of your post. When everyone uses the same hashtag, a virtual Granny Square blanket is created! This year's tag will be #grannysquareday2016

We are also going to use another hashtag for our very own Stylecraft virtual Granny Square blanket  - #stylecraftgrannysquareblanketday2016 - and it would be great if you could join in with us. I think  that several of the Blogstars will be taking part. If you're not on Instagram, you can share your photo with Stylecraft on their Facebook page and I understand that they will post it onto Instagram for you. I'm really looking forward to seeing our virtual blanket. Happy hooking folks! xxx

Granny Square Day yarn

1 comment:

  1. Oh, saw this too late to join in but look forward to seeing the final result with all the pics.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx