Tuesday 9 August 2016

Holiday time

Mr JK and I are off to Kos again on Thursday. Tomorrow morning I shall be taking Flo off to her cat hotel for the duration. She's blissfully unaware of what's to come, mainly because there has not been a sniff of packing here yet. Last week we had plumbers in redoing our en-suite. It was meant to take a week!! However, the en-suite is still not finished, we appear to not have any hot water this evening and I have yet to gain access to the wardrobes as the bedroom looks a bit like a builder's yard! I'm sure it will all come good in time, and I'm just trying to stay calm, decide what knitting projects are going to get packed and picture myself in one of my most favourite places on Friday morning. See you later in the month! xxx

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ETA - Time permitting, I am going to schedule in a couple of blog posts while I am away, so that I don't completely vanish from Blogland! xxx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx