Saturday 22 July 2017

Tour de Fleece day 22

I decided to go with the punis as they intrigued me! I've never spun one before so I googled how to do it and the general advice was to treat it like a roving and draft it out a little before spinning. I have four punis so I am going to spin each one fine and then ply all four together to make a gloriously colourful skein of yarn. The colours are so, so pretty.

Here's how it's looking so far - ignore the blue as that's just the leader peeping through. It reminds me a bit of a sunset at the moment. Tomorrow is the last day of the Tour de Fleece, but I'm hoping to keep spinning a little more regularly over the holidays. (I know, I say that every year, don't I?!) But I will definitely get this all spun up and share it with you over the coming days. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful. Any plans for what you are going to make with this one?


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx