Thursday 13 February 2020

The trials and tribulations of a feline nurse

Meow meow everyone, Flo here. Or should I say Nurse Flo, as that status is more befitting for my current situation. I've been taking care of my mum for the last week. (Well you and I both know that I look after her all the time, but this last week my care has been especially important.) I think I could quite possibly be a Sister, or may be even a Matron (ooh, Matron!) Anyhow, I digress. Back to explaining the need for extra TLC this week.

Last Thursday mum had to have another biopsy down at the hospital in London. She was very brave, despite the fact that the doctor had to give her more local anaesthetic as she could feel it when they were doing the operation. And they spent more than 20 minutes trying to get some blood too; they ended up going into the back of both hands which must have hurt judging by the bruises on them now. I know how much I hate having blood taken and I do not cooperate one little bit! 

I have insisted that she rested as much as possible this week. So I made a point of sitting on her at every opportunity, pinning her to the sofa! I sacrificed the comfort of my furry donut just for mum. She wasn't very impressed when I sat directly on top of her wound (I thought a bit of pressure was meant to stop bleeding!) but she soon forgave me! I know how to soften her up with a few head nudges and purring! 

She had a few problems showering as she had to keep the wound dry. I wasn't able to help her much as the tape kept getting stuck to my fur. So I had to let her get on with it by herself. A piece of plastic freezer bag and some micropore tape did the trick and I cheered her on from the sidelines! 

Thankfully I was relieved of my 24/7 nursing duties today, which has meant that I could just chillax in one of my favourite spots - the back of the sofa. 

Although I am still making sure that she rests each day by demanding lots of cuddles and fuss! I know that she is feeling anxious about the results of the biopsy so I'm doing my best to distract her. You see, I'm making her think that it's me that needs the attention, when actually it's all to make her look after herself and let things heal. I'm such a clever kitty!  Meow meow meow! xxx


  1. Flo, you are such a good kitty, taking care of your mom like that. Helen - thinking of you and hoping everything turns out fine.

  2. Hi Flo! I think your mum should consider submitting your name for the 'Nurse of the Year' awards; I think you's definitely be in with a chance! Maybe we should start calling you Florence?! xx

  3. Oh, sweeties, you both are so brave! Fingers crossed for your biopsy.

  4. Some cats just ‘know’ when their staff need cuddles and support, we had one like that, still missed so much but irreplaceable.

  5. Excellent job Nurse Flo. You make sure your patient is well-loved. Knowing you are cared about is an important part of the healing process.
    Give her my best wishes.

  6. Your an absolute star, Flo, keep being a good kitty and look after your mum, I'm sure she'll be fine under your excellent paws!

  7. You sure know ho to make your mom feel better. Such a loving Kitty! Mom's lucky to have such a special Kitty. Good luck to you. Do hope your feeling better! Hugs to you!! xo


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx