Wednesday 15 April 2020

Reasons to be cheerful

Thanks for stopping by, make yourself comfy whilst you look through some of the things that have brought me some cheer over the last week or so. It's very easy to let things get you down, but I'm determined to keep positive and look on my shielding as a good thing, because it's keeping me safe. 

*** Number 1 ***
*** Noticing the little changes in the garden each day ***

These tulips were bulbs that Mr JK and I brought back from one of our trips to Amsterdam. They have been totally neglected since Mr JK died, but they pop up year after year, as a reminder of many happy weekends away. 

*** Number 2 ***
*** Celebrating a friend's birthday with virtual cake! ***

When you can't meet up for cake and drinks, what's better than having a virtual party with friends?! 

*** Number 3 ***
*** The kindness of Instagram friends ***

I received a surprise parcel in the post from an Instagram friend, Flora Honeypot. She wanted to send a virtual hug to people who were having to self-isolate. What a sweetie she is! As well as an adult colouring book/journal, she sent me a beautiful skein of yarn, a dpn holder, a yarny pencil, a tea bag and a lovely card. Thank you so much!

*** Number 4 ***
*** More rainbows! ***

After releasing my free pattern for Rainbow Ripple trainer socks last week, I have knitted another pair for a friend who works in the NHS. These will be heading to her as soon as I can possibly manage it (hopefully when I get my next food delivery from a friend.) Using a solid colour yarn for the heel and toe means that I should hopefully manage to get another 3 pairs from this skein, again from Fab Funky Fibres. I was very excited to see my pattern get into the top 40 'What's hot now' patterns for a couple of days too!

*** Number 5 ***
*** The weather! ***

I know there's nothing more us Brits like to talk about that the weather, but last week was definitely a week of contrasts. I introduced two new colours into my Highs blanket squares as the temperature hit 22 degrees. A couple of days later, the high only reached 8 degrees! It's not time to pack away the winter woollies yet, that's for sure!

*** Number 6 ***
*** Drinking tea ***

Another very British thing, drinking tea! And I have to have it in the right mug for the time of day too. Is it just me or do you have favourite mugs? I have a newly discovered tea and it's sooo good. I've always drunk Yorkshire Tea and found that they'd brought out a new variety called Biscuit Brew. It's malty and really does taste like tea and biscuits. It might well save my waistline so that I don't munch through endless packs of biscuits and need the fire brigade to extract me from my house using a winch and crowbar at the end of isolation! If you're a tea drinker and like dunking biscuits in your tea, give it a try!

*** Number 7 ***
*** Flo ***

Flo gives me no end of reasons to be cheerful. She meows good morning when she sees me each day, wants to give me lots of head nudges and purrs throughout the day, likes nothing more than accompanying me for an inspection of the garden and loves to cuddle on my lap. She is my bestest girl, of that there is no doubt!

What's made you feel cheerful this week? Hope the coming days are good for you. Keep safe and well, won't you? xxx


  1. Well done on your sock pattern reaching the top 40. You're lucky with your tulips - we brought some back from Amsterdam and they were fine the first year but since then fewer and fewer have appeared each spring. Virtual cake is a great idea and your isolation present is brilliant. The sunshine and being able to be out in the garden is making me cheerful at the moment. Fingers crossed that the good weather holds! Nobody could fail to be cheered by Flo. xx

  2. So glad you are staying safe and positive. Yarn, this lovely weather, our gardens and totally our pets are keeping us able to function still. Your rainbow socks are lovely. Xx

  3. I alway love reading your blog entries but don't always comment. Today I ventured out (with a mask) and bought some material and for the first time ever, some sock wool. Two lots in fact. I have never knitted socks, but am almost finished a lovely sleeveless vest for myself. We don't have much variety in sock wool here in Oz, so I didn't have too many colour choices, but I am so thankful I can knit and sew and do all the other stuff I do, without going out. Love your Flo and wish I had a furry friend to keep me company.

  4. I don't generally leave comments, but your blog has always made me smile, and this post in particular has brightened my day and reminded me to stay positive during lockdown!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx