Monday 28 December 2020

Advent socks ta dah!

You might remember that I blogged about this yarn in my daily Blogmas posts, way back on December 2nd. I worked on them every day throughout Advent and on Christmas Eve I added the afterthought heels to two pairs of Christmas Lights socks. I had to use a different mini for the second pair, but I absolutely love them and wore my pair on Christmas Day. The second pair were a gift for my friend Julia who is very appreciative of anything handmade. The yarn is from The Yarn Badger and is absolutely gorgeous! Liz dyes such stunning self striping yarns. I have a couple more sat waiting in my stash to be knitted up. I think I will declare 2021 to be the year of stripy socks! xxx



  1. Glorious socks. Lovely that you and your friend can be sock twins. :O) xx

  2. Oh gosh; they are beautiful! Well done.

    I hope that you are enjoying Twixmas.

    Best wishes


  3. Beautiful yarn makes beautiful socks. :-)



Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx