Friday 18 December 2020

Blogmas Day 18

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„ Day 18 πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

‘Robins appear when loved ones are near’

Many people think that when they are visited by a robin, it is a sign that a deceased loved one is visiting them. I am not sure that I believe this, but still enjoy seeing a robin in my garden and always say hello to it. Once, when I was visiting Mr JK's tree, I had the company of a robin the whole time too. It was comforting and nice to think that it might be Mr JK just checking that I was ok. Since he died, I seem to have started collecting robin Christmas decorations, so thought I'd share them with you. Do you haave any themed decorations? xxx

Robin Bobbin from Catherine Daniel Ceramics

Wooden robin decoration

Ceramic robin - a gift from a friend

Glass robin - a gift from a friend

Rainbow robin from Emma Verner Designs

Ceramic robin (close sibling of other one!)

Fused glass robin from Cornish Fused Glass


  1. Your robins are all so sweet.

  2. In the USA, it is a cardinal that signals a loved one is visiting. Merry Christmas and prayers that things improve soon.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx