Thursday 14 January 2021

Mistletoe Kisses socks

I have a finished object to share with you. These socks were my Christmas Eve cast on using a sock set and pattern from Ellie over at Craft House Magic. They were a fun knit with the need to concentrate for the stitch  pattern  just under the cuff and then lots of  plain knitting allowing for TV viewing. I love the little bobbles which represent  mistletoe berries. And can you  spot the little kiss at the top of the heel? I knit these on and off from Christmas Eve onwards and finished them in early January.

Since finishing these socks, I've not done a great deal of knitting. But I have had a big tidy up and reclaimed my living room as it was in danger of being mistaken for a yarn shop! All the yarn and most of the project bags have been moved upstairs into the craft room and it feels so much better. I haven't started a new project yet, but am working on mu Halloween socks as they were never completed last year. When in doubt, knit a sock! Easy knitting so I don't have to think, with fun colour changes too. The bonus of plain sock knitting means that I can listen to audiobooks, so I've started with The Beekeeper of Aleppo which I'm enjoying very much. Thank you for all your kind comments and suggestions on my previous post; you've given me some great suggestions. Stay safe and well. xxx


  1. The sock design is beautiful and I love the yarn colour too. I'm wondering whether the mistletoe berries might be uncomfortable in my boots though. Audible and knitting is a great combo and I do love anything garter stitch for that very reason! Can't wait to see your Hallowe'en knits. xx

  2. Ah yes! A good tidy up can work wonders can't it. I read the Beekeeper of Aleppo last year and really enjoyed it. It is sad to think that there are so many real Beekeepers of Aleppo out there who don't have any kind of positive resolution to their stories.
    I love your socks and am looking forward to seeing the Halloween ones when they are finished.
    Take care


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