Friday 9 July 2021

Fibre 4 Fibres Giveaway preview 65

This week's prize is a bundle of luxurious Noro yarns! The prize includes 4 skeins of Kogarashi yarn which is a mix of 51% silk and 49% wool and has been donated by an Instagram friend Etenamakes. There are 2 balls of Silk Garden which is a mix of 45% silk, 45% kid mohair and 10% lamb's wool and 2 balls of Kureyon sock yarn which is a mix of 70% wool and 30% nylon. Each set of yarns is all the same dye lot. If you've not tried Noro yarn, this is your chance! It really is a high-end yarn and this little lot would set you back over £100 if you were to buy it! To go with the yarn, there's a lovely drawstring project bag which has the sweetest embroidered sheep on it and a yarn ball progress keeper. Thank you for your donations.

I'm sure that you know the score by now, but I'll tell you how to enter anyway! You have a chance to win all these gorgeous prizes for a minimum donation of £2! Are you tempted to try your luck? Here's everything you need to know. This giveaway will run this coming Sunday 11th July, closing at 23:55. To enter, go to my JustGiving page here and buy your virtual raffle tickets by donating £2 or more. £2 gets you 2 tickets, £3 gets you 3 tickets, £5 gets you 5 tickets and so on. The more you donate, the greater your chance of winning. You will need to leave your Instagram or Ravelry name, or tick the box to share your email address with me when you make your donation, so that I can contact you if you are the winner. This is really important as I have no way of knowing who you are otherwise. Each week, I still get donations where no name or email is left, so if that person's number comes up in the random number generator, I have no idea who it is! All your donations go the Myositis UK to help fund research into this incurable muscle disease, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. Every single donation is important. Our next big milestone to pass is £18,000 and we are really close to that now. Thank you and stay safe! xxx

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Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx